San Antonio Drug Possession Lawyer

Defending You from Criminal Charges

Drug possession is one of the most common drug charges in the United States. Unfortunately, even though it is a relatively common offense, drug possession charges can still have devastating consequences. Even first-time offenders could face fines, probation, and jail time. If you have been charged with drug possession in San Antonio, you need an experienced criminal defense attorney on your side immediately.

The Hicks Law Firm is here to help you with your criminal case. From gathering evidence in your defense to representing you in court, there is no step we will not take to get you the outcome you deserve. Drug possession charges are serious, especially in Texas, and you deserve an experienced law firm to protect your rights every step of the way.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out today if you are facing criminal charges. For a free 20-minute initial consultation, call 210-985-8330 today.

What Are the Drug Categories in San Antonio?

Most drug possession charges are either Class B or Class A misdemeanors. For large quantities of drugs, individuals can even face felonies. Additional charges can be added, like drug trafficking or possession with intent to sell.

Under Texas law, drugs fall into different categories that will impact your charges and your penalties. Possession of a controlled substance can include any substance from the drug categories.

In San Antonio, the drug categories include:

  • Hallucinogens: Ketamine, LSD, mushrooms, PCP, peyote, and mescaline.
  • Narcotics: Codeine, fentanyl, oxycodone, morphine, opium, hydrocodone, and carfentanil.
  • Stimulants: Speed and cocaine.
  • Depressants: Valium, alcohol, heroin, opioids, barbiturates, inhalants, and benzodiazepines.

All of the drugs in this list are controlled substances, meaning they are regulated by state and federal laws. Being in possession of any controlled substance can lead to criminal consequences.

Is Marijuana Illegal in Texas?

Many states have decriminalized or legalized marijuana possession and use. However, marijuana is still illegal to have and use in Texas. Many people are arrested for marijuana charges in San Antonio and around the state, and possession of marijuana can result in jail time and expensive fines.

If you are found with more than four ounces of marijuana, you could be charged with a felony. Felonies can result in a state prison sentence plus being labeled a convicted felon. Having a felony on your record will impact your future greatly, including affecting your ability to get a job, secure housing, or apply for education.

If you are charged with possession of marijuana, it is crucial to work with a criminal defense lawyer. While many other states around the country would not charge you for it, possession of marijuana is a serious offense in Texas. Reach out today if you have been charged with possession of marijuana.

What Are the Penalties for Drug Possession?

The state of Texas takes drug possession charges very seriously. Even if you have no prior criminal history, you could face the maximum penalties. The amount of drugs in your possession and the kind of drugs you are found with will impact the penalties you face.

Your consequences will depend on the following factors:

Prior Convictions

Repeat offenders are much more likely to face the full extent of the law. If you have a criminal history, especially if it is drug-related, you will likely face extended jail time and more expensive fines.

Type of Drug

Some drug classifications carry higher penalties than others. Narcotics and opioids typically carry higher penalties, especially in large amounts.


The number of drugs you are found with will impact the charges you receive. In most cases, a smaller amount of drugs will lead to misdemeanor charges, while a large amount of drugs will lead to felony charges.

Drug Storage or Concealing

Attempting to hide or conceal drugs can lead to additional penalties, especially if the drugs are hidden in a vehicle with the intent to travel.

Drug Paraphernalia

Drug paraphernalia includes any kind of tool used to make or use drugs. Paraphernalia can include needles, spoons, pipes, and more. Being found with drug paraphernalia can lead to additional charges and penalties.

For any drug possession charge, you will likely face fines, jail time, and probation. For felony drug possession charges, you could face a state prison sentence. If you would like to avoid these penalties and limit the impact the charges have on your life, contact an attorney today.

How Do You Defend Against a Drug Possession Charge?

Working with an experienced criminal defense attorney is the best way to defend against drug possession charges. As your legal representation, we will examine the specific circumstances of your case and your criminal history to create a defense strategy that’s right for you.

There are many ways to defend against a drug possession charge, including:

  • You have a valid prescription for medical marijuana or other substances
  • You were unaware you were in possession of a controlled substance
  • The drugs were not intended for human consumption
  • The quantity is insufficient for a drug possession charge

Should You Contact a Drug Possession Attorney?

Facing drug charges can have hugely detrimental impacts on your life. Jail time, expensive fines, and damage to your reputation are all possibilities when facing criminal charges. The state of Texas takes possession charges very seriously, and you will likely face the maximum penalties for your charges.

Hiring a criminal defense lawyer is the best way to protect your rights and reduce the penalties you are facing. Whether you have a criminal history or you are a first-time offender, we are here to help. Contact The Hicks Law Firm for a free consultation by calling 210-985-8330 today.